Alper Kanca
Leader, Turkish Automotive Project - Germany
Born in Trabzon, Turkey in 1963.
Mr. Kanca has completed his graduate and postgraduate degree in Business Administration in Vienna University of Economics (WU).
He has started his career in 1991 in his family company in Kanca Dövme Çelik A.Ş. where he continues his career as a General Manager since 2007.
Mr. Kanca has been serving in various non-governmental organisations as; Board Member of Association of Forging Industry (DÖVSADER), President of European Association of Forging Industry EUROFORGE.
Between the years 2006-2011 he has served as Board Member of TAYSAD. He has hold the Vice Presidency of TAYSAD between the years 2011-2016. From 2016 to 2021, Mr. Kanca was the 10th Term President of TAYSAD.
Mr. Kanca who knows German and English, is married and has two daughters.